Agloe, New York, is a fictitious village created by the Esso company in the early 1930s and inserted into tourist maps as a copyright trap, or paper town.He looked up the full article and it said that there was only 1 building in Agloe and the population was zero, but in an anonymous user comment said:
fyi, whoever Edits this-the Population of agloe Will actually be One until may 29th at Noon.That's Margo's capitalization, looks like Q has finally found her. The next day, Q's graduation gift results to be a car, so he, Radar, Ben and Lacey skip graduation to go on a 23 hours road trip to find Margo before she's gone for good. No body has clothes exept their dresses and gowns, the only things they have are half of a sneakers, 212 beers that were for graduation, printed directions to Agloe, wintergreen gum, a pencil, tissue, $35, a BP card, and more stuff from Lacey's purse. During the first 3 hours, Ben has wanted to pee but they won't stop until hour 4, so they continue their trip with just 4 stops during the whole it and Ben wanting to pee.
"Margo was not a miracle. She was not an adventure. She was not a precious thing. She was a girl" (Green 199)
Excuse me? Of course Margo could've never be a miracle or, even worst, a THING! She's just a girl,a person, just like everyone else in tis world, even though we don't always realize that. There are people that are so much like you, but there are others who are completely different as well. But here's the thing, different does NOT mean worst. Yes, there are people who hurt other people, but they're still people. No matter what you do, even if it's good or bad, you are a person. It was about time that Q realized that Margo was a common girl. I'm not saying Q is bad for saying she was a miracle, actually, I'm glad he finally realized she wasn't one. Maybe meeting her was a miracle, but not her. I wouldn't like for someone to think of me as a miracle, even though I would like of someone thought that meeting me was a miracle. I wish Margo knew this.
"This was the first time in my life that so many things would never happen again" (Green 228)
Applause for Q! So few words, yet so meaningful. Reading this book, I've realized that every character has something important to say, something significant and needed. This quote happened the last day of school when Quentin was leaving his school and he realized that he would never do many things that he did in high school,like waiting for Radar and Ben to finish band practice, or see what a mess his locker was. This quote showed me that you have to cherish every moment because one day, you will never get to do that again. Never. So you have to appreciate every moment and the people that lived them with you, before that moment, becomes a memory. It's like Margo said, you don't wanna look back to your life and say, I graduated from school and college and got perfect grades and live a perfect but boring life, you want to look back and find precious moments you could share, because those moments, are the ones that will always live with you.
I'm so excited to know what happens next in the going-to-Agloe-to-find-Margo road trip! It seems like this group of friends is willing to do anything for their dear Margo, from eating out of a BP card to pass all speed limits. Maybe supporting Ben wanting to pee seemed the hardest part of their trip, but who knows, maybe worst things are around the corner. Now, what do I predict will happen next? Well, since I will finish with the book soon, I predict that after the long trip to Agloe, they arrive soon enough before they loose Margo. Q speaks with her and convinces her to go back with him and maybe they'll even end together as I had already predicted in my previous blogs. Lacey will talk to her too and Margo will forget her for not telling about Jase's relationship with Becca. Well, the only way to find out, is to keep reading!
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